Thursday, May 28, 2009

Red Cross: Trauma Season

I think Trauma Season would make a fantastic, made-for-TV movie on the Sci-Fi Channel. I'm feeling a plotline similar to John Orr the Arsonist in which a doctor goes around causing accidents so he can "save" the patients... only to later KILL THEM!!! MWUHAHAHAHA. (that's an evil laugh)

In reality, Trauma Season is something a bit more serious: it's summer. Apparently we all go outside and engage in much riskier behavior than we do during the winter months and this lead to more injuries which then lead to a need for more blood. You can help the Red Cross this summer by giving blood.

Click here to find out where you can go to help!!

1 comment:

Heather Reichle said...

Thanks Obadiah and Nikki for letting us come in and spread the word about the need for blood during the summer. We appreciate your ongoing support of the American Red Cross.

Take care!